Christine Egaña Navin: Hot Swap
February 1 - March 16, 2025
Laura is pleased to announce our upcoming solo exhibition with Christine Egaña Navin. Comprising an 11-channel video installation, the exhibition positions technology as both protagonist and paradox, exploring the recursive systems that mediate our experience of energy, power, and representation.
NADA Miami 2024
Keiko Moriuchi
Booth D101
December 3 - 7, 2024
Laura is pleased to announce our participation in NADA Miami 2024. The gallery will present a solo booth of works by Keiko Moriuchi (b. 1943, Osaka, Japan). Now 81 years old, Moriuchi was the last member accepted to join Gutai, Japan’s preeminent post-war avant-garde art group. She is one of Gutai’s few surviving members, and the sole member personally recruited by founder Jiro Yoshihara. Moriuchi’s showing at NADA Miami represents the artist’s debut in the United States.
The Antenna Show
September 19 - November 27, 2024

The Antenna Show is about frequencies, feelers, and feelings. The exhibition's works of art channel the acute sensitivity of antennae, framing them as conduits for perception and energy. The works of Emily Cheng, larí garcía, Iva Kinnaird, Umico Niwa, and Sarah Pettitt not only receive signals, as antennae do, but dispatch them. Thus, the works of art together become an array of conductors that participate in cycles of sensation and transmission. These five artists respectively tune into spiritual, paranormal, insectoid, and botanical frequencies.
Moon Eats the Sun
April 13, 2024 - August 24, 2024

A group exhibition about eclipse, and human perception of the celestial event. Artists: Celeste, Saúl Hernández-Vargas, Julie Malen, Kian Mckeown, Ernesto Solana, and Alexis Zambrano.